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- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
The Impact of the New Deal on American History
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【精品】A Brief Summary of the History of American Literature
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A Brief Summary of the History of American Literature
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a brief summary of the history of american literature
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into the history of american
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A Brief Summary of the History of American Literature
星级: 20 页
S. L. Kotar, J. E. Gessler-The Steamboat Era_ A History of Fulton's Folly on American Rivers, 1807-1860 (2009)
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A brief reminder on the Regional Dimension of the ERA
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- Acknowledgments
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- 1. The “Invention of the Devil”
- 2. Keelboats and Barges
- 3. Onward to the “Father of Waters”
- 4. The Meschasipi—Or Is That the “Mississipi”?
- 5. “St. Looy” and the Upper Mississippi
- 6. A World Unto Their Own
- 7. Navigating the Inland Western Waterways
- 8. The Trades and the Trade-Offs
- 9. Economic Conditions During the Steamboat Era
- 10. Making Money on the Rivers
- 11. Man Overboard! Steamboat Disasters on Western Waterways
- 12. The Steamboat Race Is On!
- 13. The Development of Steamboat Crews
- 14. Deckhands
- 15. Steamboat Gothic
- 16. “My satisfaction was complete”
- 17. Steamboat Diversions
- 18. “Just the bar’ necessities, ma’am”
- 19. The Nameless Masses
- 20. An International Incident
- 21. Potions, Purging and Practitioners
- 22. (In)Famous Steamboat Cities
- 23. The Roaring ’50s
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Chapter Notes
- Bibliography
- Index